SINETStream User Guide
Configuration files
1. Overview 1.1 Location of configuration files 1.2 Priority of setting values 2. Common parameters 2.1 Basic parameters 2.2 API parameters 2.3 Parameters for SSL / TLS 2.4 Parameters for encryption 3. Messaging system-specific parameters 4. Notes 4.1 Difference between Python API and Java API 4.2 Unsupported
1. Overview
The parameters to the SINETStream API functions may also be written in the configuration file. By doing so you can make your source code more concise. The configuration file contains the service name and the parameters associated with the service. By specifying the service name in the API function, the parameters specified in the configuration file will be applied.
Publickey cryptography can be used to encrypt confidential information such as passwords and data encryption keys in configuration files.
Using Config Server
There are two ways to use a config server.
- download the configuration file from the config server’s Web UI.
- download the access info from the config server Web UI and retrieve the configuration file from the SINETStream API.
The first method is, instead of the user starting an editor and writing a configuration file the user simply downloads the configuration file prepared by the administrator.
The second method is to, the config server auth info is downloaded in advance, the configuration file is downloaded from the config server when SINETStream is executed.
The downloaded config server auth info are put in
(In Windows 10, C:\Users\{userXX}\.config\sinetstream\auth.json
Encryption of secret info with public key cryptography
Limitations: supported public key cryptography is only RSA.
If you put your private key in PEM format (PKCS#1) in ~/.config/sinetstream/private_key.pem
it is referred to when decrypting the secret info in the configuration file.
Caution: the permissions for the private key file must be set so that others cannot read or write to it.
Secret info is the following format:
{parameter}: !sinetstream/encrypted {config value encrypted with pubkey}
The encryption method is SINETStream’s proprietary format.
The plaintext by decryption is handled as follows:
{parameter}: {decrypted config value}
Binary data and attachment
To specify binary data instead of ASCII for parameter,
follow the YAML binary type format and specify !!binary
followed by a Base64-encoded string.
To specify a file as a parameter, use the same way,
followed by a Base64-encoded string of the content.
{parameter}: !!binary {Base64-encoded contents}
- A space character is required between
and the base64-encoded contetents. - Use
for base64 alternate characters. - No linebreak even if the lines are long.
The format of the configuration file
The format of the configuration file is YAML.
A configuration file consists of a header section (header:
) describing parameters of the configuration file itself and a configuration section (config:
) describing services.
header description block
service description block 1
service description block 2
If the header section doesn’t exist, it is considered to be in conventional format (only the configuration section).
The block describing the header is as follows:
{header parameter 1}: {value 1}
{header parameter 2}: {value 2}
Header section of the configuration file
Header parameters are as follows:
- version
- Format version of the configuration file.
- Version
can be specified. - If omitted, the latest format is assumed to be specified.
- fingerprint
- Fingerprint of the publickey used for encryption of secret info.
- Fingerprint can be omitted if encryption is not used in the configuration section.
Configuration section of Configuration file
The configuration section consists of service description blocks (each block is described as an entry in a YAML associative array). The block that describes one service is as follows:
{Service Name}:
type: {type of Message System}
- {host Name 1}:{port number 1}
- {host Name 2}:{port number 2}
{other parameters 1}: {value 1}
{other parameters 2}: {value 2}
specifies the type of the messaging system.
specify the addresses of the brokers of the messaging system.
The other parameters and values depend on the messaging system. For instance, the following parameters can be specified.
- Parameters for communication protocol
- MQTT protocol version (3.1, 3.1.1, 5)
- MQTT transport layer (TCP, WebSocket)
- Parameters for TLS connection
- Settings for CA certificates
- Settings for client certificate and private key
- Parameters for authentication for connecting to the broker
- User name
- Password
1.1 Location of the configuration file
Configuration file is searched in the following order. Only the first file found will be used.
in the current directory$HOME/.config/sinetstream/config.yml
on Windows 10
Multiple configuration files cannot be cascaded; e.g., if
parameter 1: value 1
is written in.sinetstream_config.yml
, andparameter 2: value 2
is written in$HOME/.config/sinetstream/config.yml
, the latter will be ignored.
1.2 Priority of setting values
If the parameters specified in the configuration file conflict with the parameters specified in the API functions, or if the common parameters conflict with the messaging system-specific parameters, the first value found in the following order is used.
- The messaging system-specific parameter value specified in the API function
- The common parameter value specified in the API function
- The messaging system-specific parameter value specified in the configuration file
- The common parameter value specified in the configuration file
2. Common parameters
Below are the common parameters that can be specified regardless of the messaging system.
- Basic parameters
- API parameters
- Parameters for SSL / TLS
- Parameters for encryption
2.1 Basic parameters
- type
- Specify the type of the messaging system (in string).
- Currently, the following values can be used.
- brokers
- Specify the broker address as {host name} or {host name}:{port number}.
- No white space is allowed around the colon “:”.
- If the port number is omitted, the following default port numbers will be used.
- Kafka: 9092
- TCP: 1883 (plain text), 8883 (TLS)
- WebSocket: 80 (plain text), 443 (TLS)
- To specify multiple brokers, use one of the following ways.
- Enumerate as a YAML sequence.
brokers: - {host name 1}:{port number 1} - {host name 2}:{port number 2}
- Concatenate with commas
.brokers: {host name 1}:{port number 1},{host name 2}:{port number 2}
- Enumerate as a YAML sequence.
- Specify the broker address as {host name} or {host name}:{port number}.
2.2 API parameters
Set the default value of the parameters of the SINETStream API functions. If a parameter is not specified in the API function, the value specified in the configuration file will be used as the default value.
- topic
- Topic name.
- client_id
- Client ID.
- consistency
- Specify the reliability of message delivery.
- The following values are valid.
- A message may not be delivered.
- A messages is always delivered but may be delivered many times
- The message is always delivered only once
- value_type
- Message type.
- The following values are valid.
- Set
(default) to treat the payload asbytes
- Set
- Set
to treat the payload asstr
- Set
- When using a plugin pacakge, other type names may be supported.
- When using the image type plugin provided with SINETStream v1.1 (or later), the following type name is supported.
- Set
to treat the payload asnumpy.ndarray
, which is the image data type in OpenCV. - The color order in
is BGR, which is consistent with OpenCV.
- Set
- value_serializer
- The class name that serializes the message value.
- The specified class must have a public default constructor.
- Valid only with
- value_deserializer
- Class name that deserialize the message value.
- The specified class must have a public default constructor.
- Valid only with
- data_encryption
- Enable or disable message encryption and decryption.
- receive_timeout_ms
- Maximum time (in milliseconds) for
to wait for message arrival.
- Maximum time (in milliseconds) for
and value_deserializer
take precedence over value_type.
are specified andvalue_serializer
is not, value_desirializer will be enabled for MessageReader and value_type will be enabled for MessageWriter.
Limitation of Python API: In SINETStream v1.*,
can be specified only by the API function parameters and cannot be specified in the configuration file.
2.3 Parameters for SSL/TLS
While the names of the parameters for SSL/TLS differ depending on the messaging system, SINETStream
provides a common parameter named tls
for specifying them uniformly.
internally maps them to the messaging system-specific parameters.
- tls
- One of the following:
- A boolean specifying whether to use a TLS connection.
- Specify the parameters related to TLS connection as YAML mapping (
- One of the following:
The mapping may contain the following keys.
- ca_certs
- The path of the CA certificate file (PEM).
- ca_certs_data
- The CA certificate (PEM).
- Use when attaching the CA certificate file.
- certfile
- Client certificate (PEM) path
- certfile_data
- Client certificate (PEM)
- Use when attaching client certificate.
- keyfile
- Private key (PEM) path
- keyfile_data
- Private key (PEM)
- Use when attaching private key.
- keyfilePassword
- Private key (PEM) password※
- ciphers
- A string specifying the ciphers available for SSL / TLS connections
- check_hostname
- A boolean indicating whether the SSL handshake verifies that the certificate matches the broker’s hostname
- trustStore
- trustStore path ※
- trustStoreType
- trustStore file format (jks, pkcs12,…) ※
- trustStorePassword
- trustStore password ※
- keyStore
- Keystore path ※
- keyStoreType
- Keystore file format (jks, pkcs12,…) ※
- keyStorePassword
- Keystore password ※
are for Java API ony. They cannot be specified with the Python API.
Setting Example
Below is an example of specifying a boolean value for the parameter tls
In this case, a default messaging system-specific value is used as the setting value.
type: mqtt
tls: true
Below is an example of specifying a mapping for the parameter tls
type: kafka
- kafka-1:9092
ca_certs: /etc/sinetstream/ca.pem
certfile: certs/client.pem
keyfile: certs/client.key
Instead of using the tls
parameter, it is also possible to directly specify messaging system-specific parameters.
If you specify both the tls
parameter and a messaging system-specific parameter for a service, the first value found in the following order is used.
- The messaging system-specific parameters specified in the API function.
- The
parameter specified in the API function. - The messaging system-specific parameters specified in the configuration file.
- The
parameter specified in the configuration file.
2.4 Parameters for encryption
is capable of message content encryption at the frontend, which is independent from the communication encryption by the backend SSL/TLS.
By encrypting the message encryption you can protect your information even if a malicious third party peeks into the message stored in the broker.
- crypto
- Set message encryption parameters as YAML mapping (
) - Just setting
does not enable the encryption. To encrypt the message content, enable the encryption by thedata_encryption
parameter or the API function parameter.
- Set message encryption parameters as YAML mapping (
The mapping may contain the following keys.
- algorithm (mandatory)
- Specify the encryption algorithm.
- Valid values: “AES”
- key_length (optional)
- Specify the key length (in bits).
- Valid values: 128, 192, 256
- Default value: 128
- mode (mandatory)
- Specify the encryption mode.
- Valid values: “CBC”, “OFB”, “CTR”, “EAX”, “GCM”
- for Android: “CBC”, “GCM”
- Note: If “CBC” used, specify a value other than “none” for padding.
- padding (optional)
- Specify the padding method.
- Valid values: “none”, “pkcs7”
- Default value: “none”
- key (mandatory; exclusive with password)
- Specify the encryption key.
- The length of the encryption key must match key_length.
- key and password are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified at the same time.
- password (mandatory; exclusive with key)
- Specify the password.
- password and key are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified at the same time.
- From password, a key with key_length is derived according to the key_derivation parameter.
- key_derivation (optional)
- Specify the parameters related to key derivation function by YAML mapping
- algorithm (optional)
- Specify the algorithm for the key derivation function.
- Valid values: “pbkdf2”
- Default value: “pbkdf2”
- salt_bytes (optional)
- Specify the number of bytes for the salt.
- Default value: 8
- iteration (optional)
- Specify the number of iterations.
- Default value: 10000
- prf (optional)
- Specify the key derivation function (pseudorandom function).
- Valid values: “HMAC-SHA256”
- Default value: “HMAC-SHA256”
Setting Example
Below is an example of setting crypto
type: kafka
algorithm: AES
key_length: 256
mode: EAX
algorithm: pbkdf2
iteration: 10000
password: secret-000
3. Messaging system-specific parameters
Parameters specific to the backend messaging system can be specified transparently.
4. Notes
4.1 Difference between the Python API and the Java API
The following parameters are only valid for the Python API. They will be ignored if specified in the Java API.
- socket_options
- consumer_timeout_ms
- ssl_context
- ssl_crlfile
- api_version
- api_version_auto_timeout_ms
- selector
- value_serializer
- value_deserializer
The following parameters are only valid for the Java API. They will be ignored even if specified in the Python API.
- delivery_timeout_ms
- enable_idempotence
- transaction_timeout_ms
- transactional_id
- allow_auto_create_topics
- auto_offset_reset
- default_api_timeout_ms
- group_instance_id
- isolation_level
- client_rack
- client_dns_lookup
- ssl_truststore_location
- ssl_truststore_password
- ssl_truststore_type
- ssl_keystore_location
- ssl_keystore_password
- ssl_keystore_type
4.2 Unsupported
SINETStream v1.* does not support the following parameters.
- metric_reporters
- metrics_num_samples
- metrics_sample_window_ms
- sasl_kerberos_service_name
- sasl_kerberos_domain_name
- sasl_oauth_token_provider